About Us

About Us

Hello there!

We’re Clara and Bruno, the duo behind You Should Go Outside. We are wildlife and travel photographers/videographers, passionate about exploring the world and telling stories through our pictures. We believe that tourism, when done responsibly, can be a force for good.

Meet the Team


“The Star War Superfan and face behind the camera”

Hi! Clara here, an animal lover who cries in every single nature documentary and huge Star Fans. I’m the face behind the camera and I am passionate about telling stories through my photos and videos, doing my best to bring our adventures to life with every click.


“The cinema lover and Chief Editor”

Hi, I’m Bruno, and I’m known as the living IMDb, courtesy of Clara. I’m passionate about movies, but I also wear the hats of an editor and a tech enthusiast. I hope to bring stories through the editing process so that all those hours watching movies bring some value!


“Professional fetch player and Chief of Cuteness”

Our values

Founded in September 2023, YOU SHOULD GO OUTSIDE came to life with a simple dream: to inspire people to explore the world and ignite a love for nature conservation. Our core values are:

Responsible Tourism: Traveling, a precious privilege, carries a cost for the planet. The choice lies with us – to ignore it or recognize it and evolve into better travelers.

Ethical Wildlife Experiences: Respecting and protecting wildlife is ingrained in our DNA. Our brand advocates for ethical encounters, fostering appreciation for the beauty of nature without compromising the well-being of its inhabitants.

Community Contribution: We recognize the profound impact travel can have on local communities. That’s why we are dedicated to engaging in activities that contribute positively to the places we visit.

So, remember when your parents used to tell you to go outside and explore? Well, they were onto something! Join us on our adventures and discover how the world can be a better place through sustainable and responsible travel. 

If you wish to reach out, check our contact page.