Find Hotels

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It’s never been easier to book your vacation and find your hotel stays as today. With some research you are a few clicks away from a week trip on the other side of the world.

There are many sites these days that offer a good variety of options and aggregate amazing hotels, apartments, houses, etc
The ones we are sharing on this website are the ones we personally use often when we book our accommodations



Probably one of the most famous sites, with a huge set of accommodation options. These days you can find not only hotels, B&B, apartments but also homestays and private houses.

This has been one of our all time favorites, we have been registered for quite some time so if you book enough accommodations you will be able to take advantage of their Genius program that will give you discounts.

We’ve used this across the globe, for Europe, North and Central America and even Asia and it has always went well!


One of the oldest tourism related websites, is still to this day a big reference when it comes to travelling.

It has for all sorts of information regarding tours, restaurants and of course accommodations.
Its review system has been a huge help during our trips, it mis always important to do a bit of research in advance before choosing the right hotel for you, in that regard Trip Advisor is a mandatory site to use!

We’ve used it worldwide as well and its a big reference for sure.



  • The way we usually do it, and the most obvious one is to look for reviews. We all have different tastes so what doesn’t work for some might be totally fine for others. So make sure while you do your research you look at the review scores and some comments on the accommodation.
  • Make sure to look at the map, depending on how you move around your destination. If you are thinking for example to walk on a big city center and avoid other means of transportation. Confirm where your hotel is located to make sure you can be at a walking distance.
  • Also, to add to the second point, do a bit of research on the location of the hotel. Depending on the destination some accommodations might be cheaper but their location might not be the best. Confirm if the area is safe or at least it doesn’t look sketchy. Most of the time you will be fine but first impressions can have quite the impact!
  • Order your research according to you preference, if you are on a budget you can order by lowest price. You might still find some great spots with a more affordable price.
  • Use Booking chat to talk to the hotel / apartment / guest house. From experience most of the accommodations are responsive there and it’s a great way to chat.


  • Usually we use TripAdvisor a lot for its review content. Make sure to confirm if what you are about to visit or the hotel you are about to book matches your expectation based on its review and comments.
  • You can always use it as reference and research additionally on other websites such as Booking.
  • It is not exclusively for hotel booking you can also research on restaurants, tours and many other tourist related activities